Since 2021, Nurturing Justice has endeavored to engage in transformational learning to dismantle the hierarchy of human value based on difference. This year we are excited to launch a new spiritual component to our work called the Transformational Remnant.
With love, compassion and kindness as our guiding principles, we offer a space to gather monthly to build the spiritual resilience to engage in our challenging work in the world. No two sessions will be the same, but you can expect music, powerful devotions and sacred readings and storytelling, sharing of spiritual resources and practices, processing grief and lament, and a community that listens deeply as we seek spiritual nourishment during our justice journey.
We will be looking to you to share with us how we can support you in your justice and life journey and will be offering ongoing spiritual support in between our gatherings. We want you to bring your authentic selves, be transparent and vulnerable, and watch how the Divine Spirit will hold you and keep you as you seek to transform the world and your communities.
Share resources with us and be prepared to lead a session! This is different than learning or education or even support group. It will be a spiritually grounded safe place for nurture, insight, and care.
We look forward to sharing sacred space with you in the
New Year!
Contact us at kris@nurturingjustice.org or
nurturingjusticemidwest@gmail.com for further information or to
join our community!